Friday, May 8, 2009

Bum knee and a new toy!

Of all the ways I could have injured my knee, I would never have thought it would be in yoga attempting this pose. It's nothing serious (hopefully) but as I was attempting to lower to the ground I heard and felt a pop in my knee. It was just really tingly at first and then as the day progressed it swelled a bit and formed a little lump on the side of my knee. I iced it a few times that day and made an emergency stop to my chiropractor (aka the Miracle Healer). The next few days it started to feel better but I was not going to test my luck by running.

So instead, I thought I'd take it easy and just go for a long bike ride. And what better way to get motivated for a bike ride then to add a new toy to the mix? I bought some bright pink clipless pedals and awesome space shoes to go with it.

My adventure with clipless pedals began on the street Dave lives on. I was just practicing starting and stopping using the clipless pedals. It's a little scary being attached to your bike. (It's kind of why I'm hesitant about cayaking - if you flip you have to be able to get yourself back up while attached to the kayak!) Anyway, I had no issues whatsoever during practice. I actually thought it was really easy. Dave gave me a kiss goodbye and wished me luck and off I went!

About 30 seconds into my ride I get to the first traffic light which happened to be at a major intersection. I saw the red light way ahead and thought about taking my foot out early just to be sure but it was so far away I thought it would be silly. So I'm getting closer and therefore needing to get my foot out but it's completely stuck. I'm turning my foot out as far as it will possibly go but no dice. I actually start turning right on the road so I could keep pedling and keep trying to get my foot out. It was a complete fail. I just stopped and let myself fall on my left side, landing smack on my left knee (which is now my good knee yay!) Then I proceded to laugh and myself for the next 5 minutes. I took pictures of my bloody knee and sent it to Dave and my Mom. Nothing like a pressure situation to show you whether you really know something or not.

After I fell I realized I forgot my helmet in my car and needed to go meet up with Dave who was then about 8 miles away. The direction I had to ride to get to him was completely against the wind. Then it started to rain. But, I stuck with it and once I got my helmet and got moving with the wind at my back I started to get into a groove. I ended up riding 31 miles and felt like I could have kept going except that I desperately needed some padded ass shorts and my neck was all tense from being hunched over. It was awesome though and I am officially hooked.

As for my knee, I ran 6.5 miles on Tuesday and it felt fine, but later that night it definitely felt aggrivated. Instead of running I just biked the rest of the week. I am going to try to run 10.2 miles tomorrow with the group so I'm crossing my fingers for no knee pain. Wish me luck!


  1. The good news is you got the first fall out of the way rather quickly.

    The bad new still fell. ;)

  2. Girl I have Shimano clip ins and still have scars on my body from learning how to unhook my feet and that was a few years ago...I feel your pain! But you will learn to love them and you can ride super fast!! Hope those knees heal.

  3. Hope you feel better soon! I haven't experimented with the clip-in shoes yet and probably won't. Most places that I'll ride require dismounts all the time so I just got some Shimano SH-MT31 shoes ( I need to find a part to my SH-MT40s that fell off and get a replacement since those are my favorites.

    I'll need to take my Cannondale to a Pure Prana Sunday class sometime. See you and Dave on Saturday?
